The History of the Languedoc
Click on the following link to read an article giving a quick
overview of Languedoc
Or see below for more detail.
The post Medieval Period:
- Wars of Religion. AD 1559: Edict of
Nantes granting freedom of worship to Huguenots.
AD 1560 - 1600: Wars
of Religion
- Treaty of the Pyrenees. AD 1659 France
aquires the Roussillon under the Treaty
of the Pyrenees
- Canal du Midi. AD 1666: work starts
on the Canal du Midi. Click here
to go to a page about the Canal
- French Revolution onwards. Click here
for information on the following: AD 1789: French
Revolution. AD 1875: Phylloxera destroys vines.
AD 1939: Refugees flood in from Spain towards
the end of the Spanish Civil War. AD 1939-45:
2nd World War War and the Vichy Government.
- The Second World War: Click on the following link
for more on the Maquis
and Allied OSS operations in the Languedoc.
Click here for a summary of the various
names and changing borders of the Languedoc 
to: Property in the Languedoc. |
Section: The Cathars in the Languedoc